Assignment 5: Kernel data structures II


The goal of this assignment is to get used to essential data structures in Linux Kernel. Basically, we will extend assignment 4 by adding more data structures including hash table, red-black tree and XArray. For ease of testing, we will add a file in the /proc file system to print out the contents of data structures.

Recommended Background Reading

Instructions (~60 minutes)

[35 points] Download the source code attached -- hw5.tar.gz. Carefully read the code to understand the template code given and what you need to write. Then, add comments (X7-X10) explaining each code block's meaning and implement features (X1-X6). You can test your program by executing Make a screenshot (named hw5_firstname.png|jpg) of what you observe when executing the script. Upload the screenshot to Blackboard.

Rename the folder code to hw5_firstname and create a gzip-ed tarball named hw5_firstname.tar.gz. Upload a gzip-ed tarball.

Grading rubric

- Implementation - X1-X6  - 5pts each, 30pts total
- Explanation - X7-X10  - 1pt each, 4pts total

Screenshot  - 1pt