Course Syllabus
Prof. Xiaoguang Wang (Office: room 1331 SEO)
Email: echo $(base64 --decode <<< eGd3YW5nOUB1aWMuZWR1)
Office hours: Monday 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM (room 1331 SEO) or by appointment.
Class Time and Location
Lectures: Tuesday and Thursday 9:30 AM - 10:45 AM, Thomas Beckham Hall, 180D.
- Love, Robert, Linux Kernel Development (3rd Edition), 2010.
- Linux Kernel Labs, [online].
- CS 361 (Systems Programming) or equivalents.
- Familiarity with programming languages (e.g., C/C++, Python).
- CS 461 (Operating Systems) or equivalents (recommended).
- Quizzes and assignments:
- Midterm exam(s):
- Final project:
(No final exam!) - Class participation and discussions:
The letter grade will be assigned as: A : ≥ 90, B : [80, 90), C : [70, 80), D : [60, 70), F : < 60
Late Submission Policy
- Late submission
(0, 24 hours]
will be accepted with a10%
penalty; - Late submission
(24, 48 hours]
will be accepted with a20%
penalty; - Late submission beyond 48 hours will not be accepted.
Academic Integrity
You are encouraged to discuss assignments and labs with classmates, but all final work must be yours. Plagiarism and cheating are prohibited according to UIC’s academic integrity policy.
Syllabus Update
Information in the syllabus may be subject to change with reasonable advance notice.